Launching an affiliate campaign is only the start of the journey. To make it more successful, you need to know how to analyze the performance of your campaign. Here is a quick overview of what parameters you need to have the full picture (and if you need a more thorough overview, let us know in the comments below).
Conversion rate (aka CR) - the percentage of clicks on the tracking link resulting in the performance of a target action (be it a purchase or a submitted request).
Return on Investment (ROI, otherwise known as return on ad spend) - this is basically the revenue you get after calculating the costs of the ad campaign.
Cost per lead/sale - basically, this is the sum of money you’ve spent on the ad divided by the amount of leads/sales you’ve had.
Rejection rate/Return rate - the percentage of orders that have been canceled to the overall number of orders.
Of course, there are many more metrics that can help you evaluate the efficiency of your campaign, we’ve only mentioned some of the most important (based on experience) ones that you should look out for. If you want to learn more about this, let us know and we’ll prepare a longer material with more details.